Thursday, April 7, 2011

Update: Progress to date (or lack thereof)

Grr! [The best word I could think of to define my feelings at this point.]

I am, officially, pissed off at my paleo progress thus far. I have heard nothing, but great results from everyone else in the flippin' world about how paleo helped them to lose this much weight, or that much fat. Grr!

Yes, I have not been WODing, or exercising, due to knee surgery, but I am on the mend, and running is now, finally, back in my physical vocabulary. I have also been approved for jumping rope, so double-unders will be back in my WOD dictionary, as soon as my rope arrives. (Come on, Again Faster!!)

Yes, I have had paleo cheat days on most weekends, but 5 or 6 days a week I am perfect!!

Yes, I am feeling better than when I was eating crap, and, yes, I am looking better than I did before I started, but I am just infuriated with the results. And this is what usually happens. I don't see results, so I freak out, and give up. I figure, what I am "torturing" myself for? Why am I doing this, when it's NOT WORKING?

What gives? Something has GOT TO.

But, then I remember the commitment I made. I will give it the full 6 weeks (plus an extra week, due to not wanting to experience the hangover/acne filled results of cheating before my birthday weekend...which shows that some things are worth eating this way... some...).

So, is it just my body? Possibly. I know, for a fact, that my body loves maintaining my current weight; this weight is my "plateau" weight. I also have heard that certain pills make it harder for women to lose weight, so, come May, if I am not where I want to be, I may give up on those funny little pills for a month, or two. I will have to do the cost/benefit analysis on that. But, in the mean time, I refuse to NOT lose. I REFUSE! It's go-time, folks. This is it. I need to post some results pictures, because, not only do I need some better results to satiate my personal thoughts, but I need results to confirm my, possibly dissolutioned?, beliefs on the reasons one should eat low carb, high fat diets to lose weight! I know WeightWatchers works; I've done it. I haven't decided if paleo works, but I need it to! I want it to! I will make myself crazy if it doesn't. This isn't just about weight anymore, folks. It's about ego, self-assurance, and the "lifestyle" confirmation.

Please, God, give me some results, so that I can confirm this, once and for all. Love, Kari.

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